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Thermann R Series Natural Gas Continuous Flow Hot Water Unit 60deg 21L NG

Product code: 1360888

Thermann R Series

The R-Series range now includes the 17R, 21R, and 26R 55 Degree C Unlocked models in addition to the existing large capacity 32R model 60 Degree model The range provides sizing options for applications big, small, and everything in between.

Unlocked models can be adjusted to deliver 60 degree C hot water.

The 21R model claims the title as the most efficient in its class*. It not only features an equivalent energy efficiency rating of 6.1 stars, but its low minimum flow rate makes it the perfect choice to combine with water efficient 6-star tapware.

*"The Thermann 21R has the lowest annual energy consumption of any non-condensing 26L/min continuous flow model in the Australian market"

Thermann 21R CF
Thermann 21R CF

Founded in 2012, Thermann has quickly become the fastest growing hot water brand in Australia and New Zealand. When we began, we identified the very best hot water technologies in each category and designed a range of systems that would set new standards in the hot water market. Along with this, we committed to providing plumbers with the very best support and service to make every installation a simple and straight forward process. We then backed all this up with full product warranties and aftersales service by Australia's leading plumbing supplier. This is one of the many reasons why Thermann is trusted by more and more plumbers than any other hot water brand.