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Sussex Scala 25mm Wall Outlet Curved 200mm Brushed Gunmetal (3 Star)

Product code: 2263736

Sussex Scala

Styled to accentuate a minimalist feel within the bathroom space, Scala tapware is a statement in modern design. Superbly finished, the Scala 200 Curved Wall Outlet offers total expression and complete flexibility for creating the look you desire.

Sussex Scala 25mm Wall Outlet Curved 200mm Brushed Gunmetal (3 Star)
Sussex Scala 25mm Wall Outlet Curved 200mm Brushed Gunmetal (3 Star)

Good design integrates with and enhances everything that surrounds it. Australian made and world class, Sussex brings 20 years of dedication to the design process with tapware, showers and accessories that amplify the beauty of the bathroom.