Australian and American plumbing industry similarities – an update from Hacia Atherton, from Empowered Women in Trades

Australian and American plumbing industry similarities – an update from Hacia Atherton, from Empowered Women in Trades

Reading time: 5 mins

In the world of skilled trades, the plumbing industry is a remarkable conduit, connecting the similarities and differences between Australia and America. Despite their unique qualities, these two nations share an unwavering reverence for the plumbing profession, which stands as the vital backbone of skilled trades.

Water is the lifeblood of our existence and it knows no borders. It connects us all, weaving a tapestry of shared experience that crosses continents. In this intricate web, the plumbing industry takes centre stage, ensuring the seamless flow of this precious resource. Plumbing transcends geographic boundaries, serving as a common thread that binds us across oceans and continents.

As you can tell, I have a deep love and passion for the plumbing industry, and during a recent opportunity, I had the honour of sharing my family's rich plumbing legacy on an American stage. It was a privilege to emphasise the significance of boosting female representation in the plumbing industry and discuss the importance of opening up the doors of opportunities within the world of plumbing to women. This experience also allowed me to explore the intriguing parallels and distinctions between Australian and American plumbers.

Australian Plumbing: Versatility and Community Ties

In Australia, plumbers are hailed as the unsung heroes of households. They wear the capes of versatility, equipped with a wide-ranging skill set that encompasses everything from quelling leaky faucets to orchestrating intricate hot water systems. Yet, it's not just their technical prowess that sets them apart. Australian plumbers are deeply intertwined with their communities, fostering bonds that extend beyond pipes and fixtures.

What truly distinguishes Australian plumbers is their unique brand of humour—a dry, self-deprecating wit that sparks laughter and camaraderie on worksites. An Aussie plumber may jest, "Why did the plumber bring a ladder to the job? Because they wanted to go above and beyond, mate!" Aussie plumbers' humour is all about a good laugh and a bit of cheekiness.

American Plumbing: Specialisation and Grit

On the other side of the Pacific, American plumbers chart their course with distinctiveness. Unlike their Australian counterparts, they often specialise, honing their expertise in specific niches within the plumbing realm. This specialisation enables them to tackle intricate tasks with precision and dedication.

What defines American plumbers is their remarkable grit. In regions like New Orleans and Florida, where nature's fury wreaks havoc, plumbers rise to the occasion, aiding in reconstruction efforts. Their adaptability and resilience shine through as they confront the challenges posed by these disasters.

The Plumbing Tapestry: Woven with Positive Psychology

Amidst the variances, both Australian and American plumbers are united by the thread of positive psychology. The principles of creating purpose, nurturing teamwork, and prioritising mental well-being resonate strongly on both shores. Within this shared ethos lies the power of humour—a tool that transcends borders and fosters bonds.

Positive humour plays a vital role in building connections within our teams and industry. It's the glue that binds us together, lightening the load of demanding work and creating a sense of camaraderie. However, it's essential to be mindful of the quality of humour we employ. Using positive humour that uplifts and brings joy is far more beneficial than resorting to negative humour that may unintentionally victimise someone.

In both Australia and America, plumbers understand the importance of humour that builds bridges rather than walls. It's a reminder that, even amidst differences, a good laugh can break down barriers and strengthen the bonds that make our industry a resilient and tightly-knit community.

The plumbing industry represents more than pipes and fixtures; it symbolises our interconnectedness as a global community. Water, as the unifying force, underscores the importance of plumbing as the bedrock of skilled trades. Australian plumbers embody versatility and community bonds, while their American counterparts specialise and exhibit unwavering grit. Yet, their shared commitment to improving the industry and transforming the way we do things ensuring that the plumbing tapestry continues to weave stories of connection and resilience across the world.