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Bathroom Renovation Guide

Create a budget


Don’t guesstimate your budget. We’re not expecting you to know it all, in fact, not many people do. That’s why we’re here. Our number one tip? Always allow for a little extra in case of unexpected surprises.




Contingency considerations

Structural changes

Structural changes

When planning your bathroom layout, be sure to consider any plumbing position changes or structural alterations. It's important to discuss these with your builder or plumber upfront.

Load bearing walls

Load bearing walls

Your demolition may involve the removal of a load bearing wall. This requires a building permit and engineering certification which incurs an additional expense. 

Changing scope

Changing scope

When you first start planning, your budget may be based on basic fittings with minimal requirements. Be sure to save room in your budget for quality products that will stand the test of time. Always add a 20% contingency.

Rubbish removal

Rubbish removal

Rubbish removal costs money. Dispose of old things yourself and get a skip bin ahead of the reno. Remember you might be paying for the skip bin on a per day basis, so be sure to coordinate timings. And arrange the right permits (if necessary).

Budget planner

Budget planner - things to account for



Removal of rubbish comes at a charge, with additional expenses for things like trailers and skips. If asbestos is present you will need to have this professionally tested and removed.



All plumbing removal, fitting and installation should be carried out by a licensed plumber. DIY plumbing jobs can void the product warranty and put your property at risk.



It’s important this is always left to the professionals.



If you plan on moving walls, it is important to have a registered builder or engineer inspect and determine if any structural works are required. These alterations will require you to obtain a building permit before commencing your project.



Moisture resistant plaster should be used when preparing a bathroom.



Essential to the longevity of a bathroom renovation. This should always be carried out by a certified professional.



Tiles are a key feature of your bathroom, particularly in the wet areas. A professional tiler will ensure a straight lay that complies with all waterproofing requirements.

Bathroom Fittings

Bathroom Fittings

Products and bathroom furniture will naturally form a significant portion of your overall project budget. Some products require professional installation, consult with your builder or plumber to understand your project needs.



Furniture like cabinetry, vanities and shelving will house all of your everyday bathroom essentials. Consider how many cosmetic and personal hygiene products you have to ensure you've allowed for enough storage. Consider mobile storage devices if space is at a premium.


Get budget savvy

Here’s GIA Bathrooms & Kitchens' take on how to create a realistic bathroom budget.



Bathroom blunders


Kate's tips

Choose quality that will last.

Bring in the experts early.

Plan your product selections.